Saturday, May 16, 2009

Stars Wars Movie Night - REVIEW

Thanks to everyone who helped out at last night's Movie Under the Stars. We had about 75 people show up... which isn't bad for our small little town. However, our goal is to double that for the next movie night (scheduled June 19th) and keep on growing it after that.

We raised $215. 75! Not bad!! Our biggest sellers were the glow bracelets and the canned drinks. The kids LOVED the glow bracelets (some of the kids used them as light sabers). We also sold a lot of popcorn. Man, that was some good popcorn!

We learned a lot from our first movie night. Things to consider: more advertising, posters, etc. We also plan to get a strobe light to attract people to the next movie night. We had to turn off the parking lot lighting in order to show the movie, so most people just drove right by and didn't notice we were having a special event. The strobe light (pointed upward) should attract attention for next time.

We're also going to have a "gimmick" for the next movie. We plan on showing the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory . In addition to our regular concession stand, we're going to sell chocolate bars... and there will be three separate bars that hold a golden ticket. We're still working on the prizes, but someone generously donated a new Ipod Shuffle, so that will be the top prize.

We're pretty excited!

Until next time, here are a few pictures for you to enjoy from last night.....

The bomb pops and fudge bombs were a big hit. Here's Nandini with her patriotic bomb pop.

Tristan (popcorn maker extraordinaire) and beautiful baby Sailor.

Nicholas and his friend - all decked out in glow bracelets. Nicholas wins the prize for the child who spent all of his Daddy's money at the concession stand. :-)

Best friends: Brett Vader & Eli Vader

Popcorn anyone?

A partial view of the crowd.


  1. Good Job everyone!! Wish I could have been there. My family had a great time!!

  2. I had forgotten how "cute" Luke Skywalker was!!! That was fun! Can't wait for more movies, I sure don't mind making more 7 layer bars but I'm afraid I have to draw the line at dressin' up as an Oompa-Loompa...LOL
